Saturday, December 27, 2008

I'm SO NOT a Blogger!

But I'll keep trying! Months have passes since I last updated my blog! How do people do this? The feedback from my first few have been positive and so I'll keep trying.

Halloween, Thanksgiving AND Christmas have come and gone. The New Year is rapidly approaching. 2009...I feel hopeful with Mr. Obama taking the reins on January 20th! Very exciting!

Casa Morales Potter is well. Isabella went trick or treating with friend Sofia and had lots of fun. Fortunately, it was a warm night for a New England October and we (Bella, Sofia, Sofia's mom, Patti, and I) walked around Shorby Hill and made our way to the fire station downtown. The fire department does this really cool thing where they cordon off a small area and pump in some type of foam from the firetruck for the kids! It's pretty awesome and silly - the kids run around waist-deep in the wet, soap-like foam screaming and chasing each other. When the foam runs low, the kids stand underneath the ladder which has a hose strung up along side it, and chant "more foam! more foam! more foam!" Finally the foam comes, along with lots of screaming from the kids, jumping and more chasing! Crazy! Bella and Sofia emerged from the foam, exhausted and soaking wet. I had many layers of coats, vests, sweaters, etc, and so was able to give them to the girls to keep them warm until we were able to get home.

1 comment:

Christina, Jafred, Fazal and Tesina said...

But you so ARE!! Me, the more photos I take the more I put on the blog. No photos, no updates. But we check yours and are glad that you have not given up!!! Love, the Matos :-)